Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Dear John, why can't most boys be like you?

Nicholas Sparks yet again got the teenage audience sobbing the Kleenex box with this astonishing story that will make girls in particular want him to create a personalized boyfriend for each and every one of them!
The story revolves around John Tyree, a once rebellious teenager that dropped out of school and without much to do with his life, enlisted himself in the Army. This major decission builds up a strong chunk of regret once he meets in his break from military duty, Savannah --- a gorgeous college student Tyree rapidly falls in love with. Both of them knew that they couldn't be together for very long as John himself was busy serving for the armed forces and Savannah studying to receive her college degree. To resolve the complicated situation, the couple decided to keep in touch through romantic love letters so they wouldn't distance from one another. However, with John feeling like it is his duty to be a part of the army and Savannah possibly falling for someone else, a broken heart could change the lives of two people forever . . .
This book is very heartwarming because Sparks describes how meeting a new person can change a person's life forever. In this case, John --- the main protagonist --- a once defiant adolescent that decided to drop off school and sign up to the Army for no apparent good reason, changes completely once he comes face to face with the girl of his dreams. Although the Army must of taught him discipline, once he met Savannah, it felt like she "awoke" the gentleman inside of him unlike what he used to feel beforehand. Another aspect that I enjoyed about this book was that the interaction between John and his father --- a person he never got along with very well --- create an interesting sub-plot. Therefore, this "extra touch" to the novel does not make the reader bored too quickly and it only motivates you to keep on reading. This is a very light reading book --- both in terms of weight and an easy plot --- if you are interested on traveling, I'd say Dear John is perfect for the occasion!
Recommended for fans of: Nights in Rodanthe, The Lucky One, Message in a Bottle

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Liar Liar . . . *tsc* *tsc*

Despite the fact that I read the portuguese version for this book, I'm still going to give out my personal opinion and review in English. Anyway, in this novel, Meg Cabot who writes books well known to have a romantic theme and mostly aimed at teenagers and young adults, scores another hit alongside the famous "Princess Diaries" series where I can guarantee that you ladies won't stop reading until the very last page!
Pants on Fire tells the story of  Katie Ellison: a girl from the juvenile age group that always thought that telling the truth was a very difficult challenge. Clearly, she is well aware that she should not be "hooking up" with the hottie from drama club while dating one of the major football players in her school's varsity team also as for pretending to love quahogs --- the town's favorite dish (clams) --- and to add irony, she is running for "Quahog Princess" on the festival that is held annually. It would also be comforting if she spilled the beans on what REALLY happened that one night where "Tommy Sullivan is a freak" was spray painted in the school gymnasium in bold colors that still hasn't been washed out --- I mean, we ALL know why Tommy left 4 years ago, right? To spice up the story even better, it is no surprise to see Sullivan after 4 years from the incident back in town to welcome Katie a special surprise that might make her tell even more lies than the usual!
I have no words to say about this book but one: STUNNING! I get impressed on how addicted you become while reading this story as not only one, but sequences of information flow throughout the process of this fabulous novel that will sure make you crave to read the next pages up to the very last one! This makes the book a lot more effective as it never gets the reader tired and it only incentives you to read more and more so you won't be questioning at the end of each chapter: Now what? This is because as you keep reading, those questions eventually are answered then leading to newer questions that will keep the process going continuously.
If I were you, I wouldn't hesitate on going to the nearest bookstore or library and checking out this amazing book fulfilled with a mind blowing plot that will make you fall in love with this tremendous tale!
Recommended for fans of: All American Girl, How to be Popular, Airhead Series

Monday, June 20, 2011

A girl you don't want to mess around with . . .

In this brilliant novel, Stephen King brings up a story with a shedload of tension and buckets full of fear that will certainly make the reader sleep with the night lamp on!
In this story, it narrates the tale of Carrie White: a teenage girl who is known as a laughing stock in her high school because of her strange, religious ways, her outdated clothing and her unattractive appearance. Weak and innocent, she takes in the negative mockeries from her peers as time goes by. However, as she gradually discovers her telekinetic powers --- that is, the ability to move objects at a distance by mental power or other nonphysical means --- and her classmates reach a step too far in prom night, windows start to shut and doors start to lock as Carrie plots revenge over them.
An aspect that I really liked about this book is how King uses fictional documents to frame the story of Carrie. This is very interesting because it shows how the commotion that Carrie brought to the city of Chamberlaine (Maine) was so efficacious that not only a few, but yes, loads of reports were filed in association with this calamity including the ones from Carrie's classmate in particular, Susan "Sue" Snell that tells her side of the story. The heart stopping moments and the gobsmacking surprises will sure leave you with a shivery spine for several weeks!
Recommended for fans of: It, The Shining, Cujo

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Sparks, you did it again !

Yes folks, NY times #1 author Nicholas Sparks captured the hearts of young teenagers once again in this heart warming story about love, music, and the strong bond of a daughter and her father that was once lost and now is trying to reconnect.
Years after a drastic divorce, Veronica "Ronnie" Miller decides to distance from her parents --- her father in particular --- until her mother has the idea of Ronnie and her brother, Jonah, spend time with him in Wrightsville, North Carolina during the summer. As her Dad tries to rekindle their lost relationship, Ronnie acts in her usual bitter and rebellious attitude and BEGS to come back to New York before the end of the summertime. That is, until she lays her eyes on Will, a sweet, sensitive, handsome young man whom she never thought she would be attracted to and finds herself slowly falling for him, leading to the greatest happiness and the strongest pain that she has ever encountered.
One of the things I loved the most about this book is that the suffering that Ronnie goes through is alike the hardship that many girls worldwide can relate to. For example: the isolation from a particular family member. One other aspect that made me pour a tub full of tears after reading this fantastic novel was the heart touching end -- that of course, i am NOT going to tell you about -- where Ronnie and her Dad have a "private"moment that will sure make you reader go head over heels over this passionate love story.
Recommended for fans of: The Notebook, Dear John, A Walk to Remember